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5 ways to boost your spiritual growth

Have you ever wondered about the ways to boost your spiritual growth? Spiritual growth can be daunting. This is because it takes time. Unlike physical growth that's visible to everyone, spiritual growth isn't visible.

And we have to grow to become Trees first before the fruits can be revealed in us.

I recall working out and expecting to see changes in a week. Although I was sore all over and even sprained my knee in the process, I didn't get that toned body immediately.

I would be panting helplessly after some minutes doing crunches wondering how the fitness coach could be smiling while I was dying and my abs were crying from the pain.

At a point I thought I would die.

But I didn't.

Now you may wonder, what's the point of this story?

Spiritual growth takes effort on our part, some tears and willingness. God is ever willing, so we trust Him to show us the way.

It's easy to believe we're growing but this is determined by God himself and the changes observed within our hearts and those around us.

Also, if God opens our eyes to see how much we've grown, we know how to measure ourselves against the standard of Christ, not anyone else.

Because if God doesn't show us, we will remain ignorant of his will and purpose for our lives

So how can we grow spiritually? Although I shared how to gauge our spiritual growth, taking the necessary steps to attain our goal is vital.

So here are the following ways:

Teach your mind to fall in love with the Word

If you're new to following Jesus, getting familiar with the bible is the first step to getting it right.

If you've been a Christian for years, it's not too late to immerse yourself in the word again and seek God's voice.

Recondition your mind you have to meet God. Remind your soul that God is the cure and His word is the way to get cured and become whole.

When we have this mindset of discovering Him in His word, it becomes easier and something to look forward to.

If you want to follow a bible plan, you can.

But make sure you immerse yourself in the New Testament FIRST so it gives you a clearer picture of the Old Testament.

  • Immerse yourself in the Psalms and put yourself in the Psalmist's shoes.

  • Sing it back to God and allow your soul romance the words. Take your time, no pressure.

  • Meditate on the words and connect it with the Epistles in the New Testament.

  • Remind yourself during the day and reflect on the words in your going out and coming in.

I share how to go about this in my FREE spiritual guide exclusive to my subscribers.

Do subscribe to the blog to get your copy.

Develop a prayer schedule

Ever heard that song, 'Prayer is the key? Indeed it is. Prayer is communicating with God. It could be 5 or 50 minutes. Make it count. Allow your heart connect with your King. This is how fellowship is built. You lean in, you share your heart and you listen. When you talk to God, you're talking to the One who loves you most.

You're talking to the One that 'gets' you, is eager to rebuild you and make you whole.

Sometimes, I play some godly music to get my soul in the mood.

Rejoice at all times. PRAY without ceasing. Give thanks in every circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus

1thessalonians 5:17

There are days when I didn't feel like praying. There were days I skipped my prayer time because I felt I could last on the previous day's fuel. But I realised that it was folly on my part. Whenever I spent time with God, my soul felt renewed. I felt bold enough to take on the day. I had someone to rest on and his voice to guide me through that day. His voice heals me and transforms me. And prayer enables me to know my Father's heart.

Don't be discouraged if you're not good at it. But just start anyway. None of us were ever good at it. We all learn, and the Holy Spirit is willing to teach you how.

Just ask Him.

Stay consistent

Consistency is golden. But if we are lazy with spending time with God, it will spill in our day to day lives.

I recall working out a few days expecting to see results within a week or two.

I was hoping my abs would form immediately since I was doing my crunches. When I didn't see immediate results, I relented.

Also because it demanded so much, I felt I could not go on. I'd check Youtube and see testimonials of people who did the crunches for weeks consistently and got their results.

I'd wonder why my story was different and feel discouraged.

Others may be getting results from their time with God and you may wonder why you are still in the same spot you found yourself years ago.

The difference? They are consistent but you aren't.

The same applies to walking with God.

There are days you'll get discouraged.

Don't relent. If you missed it, get up and try again.

A Quiet time isn't restricted to your bedtime routine. It can happen anywhere. In the bus, bathroom, or even in your office before work begins. You can spend time with God when you return from work.

Just make sure you're putting in the effort because growth isn't magical.

God isn't looking for the perfect bible study spot or aesthetics to make you 'feel' good.

You don't need to set up props for God to approve your fellowship with him. Just learn to spend time with Him, regardless of where you find yourself.

There are days where I didn't feel like praying or reading my bible.

I have had days I didn't even feel like getting up from bed. This is where you admit your weakness and lean on God for strength.

This is where you seek the Holy-Spirit's voice within you and trust Him to help you.

As long as you're willing, Jesus is ever willing to help.

Remember, those who reap and enjoy the benefits of prayer are those who have spent their lives sowing into prayer.

When you fail or miss it, get ready to try again and again

News flash guys! Christianity is a long journey so be ready to miss it a couple of times. Be ready to laugh at yourself and scold yourself on some days.

But most importantly, be ready to get back up again.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,  fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:1-2

So you missed your quiet time for days.... or weeks even. It's never too late to allow God's word water the garden of your soul once again.

God is good and He's much more interested in your growth than you are. He knows all your shortcomings and is willing to give you strength. The Holy Spirit inside you never left. He's so patient, hopeful you get it.

Jesus is seated with the Father, interceding on your behalf, praying you get it too.


See! You've got the Godhead rooting for you! And the cloud of witnesses celebrating you. Dust yourself up, and try again and again.

For practice makes perfect.


If prayer is the key, then obedience is the Master-Key. Obedience to God's will unlocks stages into spiritual growth.

I never knew obeying God would boost spiritual growth the way it did for me, but it did and I am so grateful.

Obedience isn't always easy, but I assure you that it is worth it. It is worth more than a million dollars.

Even if you get humiliated, or end up looking foolish, your obedience is a treasure.

Obeying God's will has a goal, to make you like Jesus. For as you lay down your life, you are taking up His.

People may not see you, but God does, and He's happy you're willing to walk in the light of His will.

Growth is slow, so don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen immediately. It's a process. Celebrate your baby steps with your friends, but don't let that deter you from running your race into Christlike transformation.

Keep a journal to highlight your walk with God and just in case you're wondering how to gauge your spiritual growth, here's a post to help put you in check.

One more thing...

Just start. Yes, right now. Start!

Bloom with Love. Xx!