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4 Reasons why God makes us wait

Waiting on God isn't easy. There's a way I feel anytime God asks me to wait. A part of me dies. I feel my soul clawing at the walls of my mind demanding an explanation, a reason why waiting is necessary, especially when it doesn't make sense.

Perhaps you’re waiting on God for a child, a spouse, a promotion or something you’ve been praying about. But in scriptures, waiting on God was/is often affiliated with salvation and God's ultimate intention to realign our hearts with His as he makes us like Jesus.

In my waiting season, I’m learning to see why God would have me wait, and not just me, but every child of His who desires to draw closer to him.

Waiting Clarifies God’s voice

The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

Jeremiah 17:9

I’ve had situations where the impressions I got in my heart were so strong I felt it was God’s voice. It felt good too.

But after waiting it out, I'd realize it wasn’t from God.

Because our hearts are deceitful and also influenced by many things, it’s easy for it to pick up something and act like God’s voice.

Besides, your desires, the world, and Satan can drop a line or two into your heart as well.

We need to understand that God isn’t the only one speaking to us. Some people believe as long as we have the HolySpirit dwelling inside us, whatever drops into our hearts is from God.

We just have to confess it into existence.

That’s not true.

When we got born again, God didn’t possess us.

If he didn’t force Adam or Jesus to obey Him, He wouldn’t force us now. We still have our wills and ways, coupled with our hopes and dreams residing in our hearts. So be assured there will be contributions antagonizing God’s will in our hearts.

But you’ve got to filter it through the help of the Holy Spirit.

This is where waiting comes in.

Learning to wait on God taught me how to clarify God’s voice by waiting it out.

If it’s God, it won’t be forceful, God is never in a hurry (except in critical situations), and he won’t mind waiting for me to check with Him over and over again.

Flesh is always in a hurry, to show, prove or do something.

Jesus once told Kenneth Hagin, a man I rever so much in the faith;

“I’d rather you were too slow than too fast.”

If Jesus waited on His father for thirty years before going into ministry, if Moses waited forty years, Joseph, David and other prominent characters in the bible waited for God’s will to be birthed, then who are we to cut corners?

Waiting prevents us from assuming God’s purpose

When we refuse to wait on God in prayer and even in our spirits, we could run with an incomplete vision.

I recall my waiting season where God was sharing some things with me and I was already running ahead before I got pulled back to keep waiting.

Thank God I went back to wait. I would have messed things up.

There are times God may say something and doesn’t give you the vision at once. It may take years to unfold. That’s how God works and if we are unable to sit still and listen, He will get lost in translation.

And because God is a gentleman, He stays quiet.

For example, God may give you an idea but your soul could interpret God saying he wants you to write a book or sing a song with the idea.

We live in the age of social media where the pressure keeps increasing to do, we might fall into such a trap of wanting to do something.

So we need to be careful and wait on it to know exactly how God wants it to happen.

No pressure.

God’s will also has a way. If it’s his idea, he knows when and how to push it forward.

Jesus’ brothers were pressuring him to reveal himself to the world. But Jesus waited on God the Father before making a move.

He moved only because God asked him to (John 7:2-6)

Waiting is a sign of spiritual growth

But those who WAIT in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

isaiah 40:31

When you stay hiding and waiting with Jesus, you’re free from distraction and pressure because you’re conditioning your heart to stick with God till He says something. And he honours that!

God loves those who wait on Him and for Him. -64:4, Proverbs 27:18, Psalms 25:3

When Jesus rose from the grave, Peter and John the beloved ran to the tomb but turned back, bemused by the resurrection.

But Mary lingered (John 20:1-17). A few minutes later, she looked into the tomb again and saw two angels sitting.

Seconds later, Jesus came through. Imagine being the first person to see Jesus after he rose from the dead!

Waiting on God plunges us into depths with God and clarifies his intentions.

You’re giving God the wheels of your life and choosing to be led rather than have God as a backup plan.

There’s a school of thought that believes we can go anywhere and God will just have to follow.

While God allowed this at a certain stage of our lives, he doesn’t want to do this forever.

He wants to be the leader. Not us. This is how Sons are built.

Our ability to wait on God for His leading is an evidence of spiritual growth.

Waiting purifies us

Waiting on God is a purification process. It's dying to self because waiting isn't pleasant, especially in situations when you'd rather put matters into your hands and do things your way.

I've had to wait in different seasons of my life and trust me, it doesn't end.

Waiting is a place we will find ourselves often if we desire God's will. It could be months or years. But one thing I've observed in waiting in this:

Our gaze slowly shifts from what we were waiting for unto the One whom we are waiting on. God begins to expose our hearts and reveal how we still have crevices he needs to purify.

Maybe as spiritual babies, we waited on God for things, but as we grow, God wants us to understand the purpose and beauty of waiting.

He's refining us and making us better and stronger for the future ahead.

He wants to teach you about himself only if you’ll sit to fellowship with Him. You grow faster and learn better because you’re not consumed by thoughts of many other things.

You’re not reading the bible because you have something to share. You’re studying his word because you want to enjoy Him and His presence. Like a lover, you want to take Him all in. Beholding him like a child, knowing Him the way he knows us. For this is the first responsibility of every believer.

Is God calling you to wait? Are you afraid of letting go? Or perhaps you've been waiting and it's beginning to feel exhausting, I have a word for you.

Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!

Psalm 27:14

For in the waiting, He's making you beautiful and more glorious than you can ever imagine. Be strong, don't lose hope. He will come through.

Photo credit: Jordan Benton

Bloom with Love. Xx!