Jesus promised REST, not RELIGION

Are you tired of playing religion? Are you exhausted trying to act like you’ve got it all figured out when you’re barely holding it together within? Do you feel there’s just so much more to life than just living each day as it comes?

Then this spiritual growth guide is for you.

Jesus died so you can live an extraordinary life. Jesus may have looked like an ordinary man outside, but deep within, he was the most peaceful man to ever exist on Earth. Come to think of it, they don’t call Him Prince of Peace for no reason… wink*

He lived an extraordinary life in an ordinary world. In a restless world, he found rest. A man like us made lower than the angels, went above and beyond to overcome the weight of his flesh, sin, and the world. He found a home because He’d made God his home. And guess what? He promises you can be like that too.


By living from the victory he won for you and me.

Ready to bloom gracefully?

Learn how to find REST in a fast-paced world

You don’t have to figure it out, but you can trust the One who has it all figured out. Your soul can find rest in a restless world as you flow in rhythm with grace. How? It starts by beholding Jesus who died to set you free. And you can begin by getting to know him.

Eager to dive in? You can start by reading the blog HERE