4 ways to handle rejection gracefully

5 ways to overcome rejection

As believers, how can we handle rejection gracefully? It’s so easy to believe that in Christ, we won’t encounter rejection, but to believe that would be ignorance on our part. In order to deal with rejection in life, we must first understand that rejection is inevitable.

It could be in relationships, friendships, aspirations, and prospects we’ve had for ourselves. 

Rejection eats deep, sinking into the soul and it has a way of defining us if we succumb to it.

It is not unusual to see an individual choosing a path in life spurred on by certain events pertaining to rejection.

No one wants to be rejected but I'm aware some of us have at certain points in our lives.

Maybe you haven’t, but I have and I know how it feels.

If you’ve ever been rejected or bore the humiliation of rejection, then this post is to help you deal with rejection with the help of scriptures

The world doesn’t have a solution. God does because he knows us better than we know ourselves.

And He’s been helping me so far and he’s here for you too.

He wants you to know:

To handle rejection gracefully, understand that all things are working together for your good

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28

Not all doors are meant to be open because some doors lead to the abyss.

Not all relationships are meant to happen or turn into marriages.

Some friendships aren't meant to go beyond friendship.

Some acquaintances should remain acquaintances.

We need to understand that even Jesus didn’t disciple everyone except for the ones destined to be His.

And one of them turned out to be a traitor.

If there’s anyone who understands rejection best, it’s Jesus.

And He tells us all things are working out for our good if we love God and align ourselves with his will. 

Judas’ sell-out was just a stepping stone for Jesus to do God’s will. 

Jesus was able to do His utmost for God because He could handle rejection gracefully.

Rejection builds in you the capacity to be resilient and persistent. It also adds to the beauty of your story. Imagine if you were never rejected, how would you have persisted for something better?

Understand that it is not in line with His will

Many times we cry over our rejection in life, too downcast to see the bright side of everything.

Too short-sighted to see the big picture.

Too depressed to realize if God is our purpose, everything is aligning to converge at the center. Christ.

I recall being rejected by a school at the time I was applying for my master's degree.

That wasn’t my first rejection.

After different attempts and pitfalls, I didn’t know how to feel.

The image I had of myself was shattered.

I was so downcast I was hesitant to apply to another school.

When my Dad suggested I aim higher, I was reluctant.

I just didn’t think I could do it.

Many factors made me feel incompetent.

Besides, it was a top school. How on earth would I get in when I’d been rejected by others in the past?

I was certain there were better and more intelligent students that could get in without blinking. As for me, I might make a mess of things.

Months after applying, I was offered a place in one of the most highly-ranked schools in the world.

I'd been praying for God's will but had no clue it would result in that! Besides, I initially resisted it when my application looked positive.

I learned a lesson through this process. As long as the other schools kept rejecting me, it wasn’t God’s will.

And it’s alright to move on from anything less than his will, no matter how promising or glorious they look.

Run to Him

In the past, dealing with rejection was hard for me.

I would run to my stories as a therapeutic release for me.

Getting lost in secular songs and books was my forte.

Perhaps social media would ease the pain if I kept scrolling to distract me from my present sadness.

But God saved me and is still saving me. 

The temptation to look to the external when rejected still comes up but God is helping me face my fears.

We need to understand dealing with rejection in life is part of the process of becoming like Christ.

Whenever you feel tempted to wallow in rejection, run to Jesus. Cry out to Him. Don't forget we have the Holy Spirit within us to strengthen us in our seasons. 

Don’t look to anything external. Don’t look at yourself. Look to God.

I recall crying out to God within to help me. No more trying to affirm them away. I was tired of running and numbing down these unpleasant feelings stealing away my joy.

I wanted him to fill the gaping holes in my soul with Himself and nothing less. Nothing external could save me. Not my job or the dreams and goals I'd set up for myself.

And God showed up. 

Learn to abide in His Truth and Love

Dear one, I don’t know how many rejections you may have gone through, tempting you to give up on God or seek out other things to numb the pain or shame.

God wants you to know this truth: 

Jesus loves you! He died for you and chose you even when you rejected him.

He chose you over and over again and He’s capable enough to bring make you joyful, regardless of the rejections you may face. For He is your light and salvation.

Rejection has got nothing on you! You don’t even have time to live in the fear of rejection because you’re too busy becoming like Jesus.

As you keep abiding by his truth and love, you'll muster enough strength to handle the rejection in your life that tries to threaten your joy.

Now rise like the warrior that you are and keep shining your light.

Because a city set on a hill cannot be hidden.

Bloom with Love. Xx!


How to Discern God's Voice - Part 2


How to discern GOD's voice-Part 1