How to know and fulfill God's purpose for your life

To know and fulfill God's purpose for your life, you must have a willing heart. This is because fulfilling God's purpose is essential to living God's best in life.

It took me years to discover and know my purpose as a human being. As a believer, I thought using my talents for God was my purpose. I felt chasing my passions and doing what I love was the goal to living a fulfilling life.

For a while, I got the term muddled up and it didn't help that the sources I fetched from looked good but they were not scriptural.

At a point, I also felt bearing fruit was equivalent to 'winning souls' by preaching to people or doing something natural men could applaud.

But those things are NOT our purpose.

If you're still unsure about dividing the word on Salvation of our spirit and soul, you can read up on these series:

How to discern God's voice

Until Christ is formed in me

Is Salvation an instant or a process?

We must understand God's reason for saving us so we don't miss out on Destiny.

So why did God create you and me?

Why are we still on Earth?

Here are the scriptural answers to help us redefine Purpose and live according to God's will.

Understand that you were made to fulfill God's dream

God saved us because he had a plan. Our purpose is to know Him as we conform into His image.

For whom he did foreknow, he also did PREDESTINATE to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Romans 8:29

So His plan for Mankind must automatically become our purpose.

God needs a house, and his dream house is taking over Man’s soul completely until Man and God become One.

Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the HOUSE that ye build unto me? and where is the place of MY REST?

For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: BUT TO THIS MAN WILL I LOOK, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

Isaiah 66:1-2

If God based our purpose on what we could do, then this would be unjust of God.


Because God judges our heart and motives above everything else. So we cannot please God through the external alone.

I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

Jeremiah 17:10

A stay at home mum will be despised above the philanthropist who has built foundations for the homeless.

Some people may have an ailment that hinders them from preaching the gospel, but their lives will live out the Christ life.

Talking about Jesus doesn't necessarily translate to loving God. People seek God and preach for different reasons.

Some even live sinful lifestyles while preaching. This means preaching can never be our purpose as believers.

The former, however, preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing they can add to the distress of my chains. What, then, is the issue? Just this: that in every way, whether by false motives or true, Christ is preached. And in this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice

Philippians 1:16-18

Our becoming enables us to see and know God

While our Newbirth experience granted us access into Heaven, we must keep seeking to discover and Know God.

It is in our seeking God He purifies us until we SEE Him as He is, not through our tainted lenses or biased mindset.

Blessed are the PURE IN HEART for they shall SEE God

Matthew 5:8

God in his ultimate wisdom linked our purpose to who we are becoming in the process. Paul understood this and declared,

‘Therefore I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight like I am beating the air. No, I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.’

1corinthians 9:26

Paul was intentional about running his race into Christ's formation.

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

Philippians 3:12

He knew the standard to fulfilling purpose wasn’t based on his doing but on his becoming.

Paul definitely understood that even if he preached to all of Asia, had a blooming ministry and took over the world for Christ, if he didn’t transform into Christ within, if his heart wasn't pure, he would still be disqualified.

This is why he further went on to show usour goal and purpose as Christians:

‘That I MAY KNOW HIM and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, BECOMING like Him in his death.’

philipians 3:10

I have seen people feel less because everyone around them is doing something. Some rush into projects because of social media pressure and the desire to just do something so they are not left out.

But what if people see you now as someone doing God’s will and with all your doing, you didn't transform into the image of Christ within you?

Imagine getting to heaven and feeling ashamed because you didn’t become Christ?

Wouldn’t that be more humiliating?

God calls some people to sit at his feet for years to just obey him and bask in his presence until they become like Jesus.

If you’re part of those people, it’s okay! So much glory lies in the Unseen.

Our lives are the REAL sacrifices God wants.

We must therefore cooperate with God until he finishes building His house (Christ in You) so you're not disqualified.

You also, as living stones, are BEING BUILT UP a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices ACCEPTABLE to God through Jesus Christ.

1Peter 2:5

Focus on your becoming

Christ must be our ONE thing

Don’t let anyone make you feel bad that you’re doing nothing for God. You can serve at your local church even when no one sees you.

God sees your daily obedience to do his will. And He will keep prospering your soul in the unseen place. Just be eager to listen in for his voice before taking a leap.

Have you ever looked around you and honestly ask yourself,

"If all our 'doing' and leadership programs were the solution to Man’s problems, why hasn’t the world gotten better?

Why are Christians still messing up and found ‘guilty’ in public?

Why is man getting worse each day?

Spiritual growth is the solution to man's problems. This means we must learn to conquer the enemy within us before we can overcome the one out there.

This takes meekness to sit and learn Christ so we must not allow pressure push us outside God's will.

As a growing believer learning to walk with God, I don’t want to be disqualified on that day either so I would rather focus on my becoming. This makes me prioritize God's leading in my choices.

The world may have sold a different purpose to you. But this is your purpose. Obeying God till you Become.

Beholding His face till your soul reflects his.

Seeking him and knowing him till your soul transforms into his image and likeness.

So run after it, desire to lay hold on it. And when you have it, never let go.

As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be SATISFIED, when I awake, with thy likeness.

psalm 17:15

Fulfillment comes when our souls behold him and transform into His image and likeness. You can read my post on Discovering Purpose HERE

Photo by Danica Tanjutco

Bloom with Love. Xx!


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