How to trust God when you don't understand

How do you trust God when you don't understand some of the things going on in your life?

Is your life taking a turn of events that don't make sense?

Has God told you to take a big leap of faith yet you feel yourself stalling and afraid?

Are you worried about the unknown because it feels too risky and uncertain?

Are you confused about the path God is calling you into?

Perhaps your world is falling apart and God seems quiet

Trusting God when you don’t understand means you must trust His nature despite the odds

If there’s one thing the enemy tries to do whenever we don’t see God coming through the way we expect is to paint a skewed picture of God. But it’s in times like this you must remember God’s faithfulness and kindness. We must trust his nature and his goodness. God cannot help being good, regardless of what happens. It may look chaotic now, but that’s the beauty of your testimony.

He’s making beauty from your ashes.

And whatever you may be going through, always remember that the end is always better than the beginning.

It’s so easy to be anxious about trusting God when you don’t trust God, but this is where you remind yourself that His nature is reliable. He didn’t fail in the past so he won’t fail now.

Trust God by seeking refuge in His Word

It’s tempting to seek refuge in everything other than God’s word when you don’t understand his plan and purpose for you. But if there’s one thing that can help you to trust God when you don’t understand, it’s choosing to exalt God’s word above all else. Because the storms will rage and threaten your faith and trust in God, but like an anchor, you must hang on to his promises. You must seek refuge in God’s word and stay on it, regardless of the outcome. The word of God must be like your food. Chew and meditate on it daily, choosing to focus on Jesus regardless of the storm raging. Because the moment you take your gaze away from Jesus, you’ll drown.

Give yourself to Prayer

There are times when I’d be so confused and anxious I know only prayer could save me at the moment. Whenever you don’t understand, you can build your trust in God by praying in the spirit often. Whenever I’m confused about a situation and everything around me looks and feels chaotic, I retreat to my closet and spend time praying, because I know there’s a God who listens. If you spend enough time praying and worshipping, clarity about the situation will come. It may not come immediately, but it will definitely come.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7

I remember going through a situation that felt chaotic at the time. I’d been going through a lot at the time. I had been searching for a job for months and I was living in a place that wasn’t so conducive at the time. Were others having it this hard or my case was just different? My spirit didn’t relent about chasing God despite it all, but my soul wanted to throw a pity party.

I was torn between both.

I prayed in tongues for a while till everything within me harmonized with God.

Moments after praying, I experienced peace so beautiful I would have traded everything in the world for it.

Although I still cried because the future looked blurry and uncertain, prayer was a vulnerable space where I could pour out my heart to God and be reminded that He’s got the whole world (my world inclusive) in his hands.

The Highs and Lows

Because we live in a fallen world where evil is inevitable, we’ll experience highs and lows but God’s mercies are new every morning. God’s nature is unfailing and Jesus remains the same yesterday, today and forever. Seasons will definitely change, but God is the only constant in our lives. You must always remember this, and as an anchor, hold him tight. There will be times when things don’t go our way, but like Jesus said:

Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? So if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Matthew 7:9-11

If we wouldn’t do less for our kids, how much more would God do for us his kids (who’s so kind to believers and unbelievers alike?) So trust Him and trust the process, even when you don’t understand. He will definitely come through for you.

Song of the Day: Held by Casting Crowns x New Wine by Hillsong

Bloom with Love. Xx!


How can Christ be formed in You?


How to discern God's voice-Part 3