What does the Bible say about soulmates? 4 things to know

Is there such a thing as soulmates in the bible? Have you ever wondered if it's truthful or just a myth? What does the bible say about soulmates? Growing up I believed in the idea of having a soul mate. This was based on what TV had portrayed over time and some of the toxic books I'd binged on.

I felt there had to be that 'one' person you marry and you dare not miss it.

Although it's important to align ourselves with God's will for us in marriage, we must enlighten our hearts with the word of God.

First, we need to understand the origin of soulmates.

“According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves."

So we see that the origin of soulmate isn't biblical but rooted in philosophical theories that have no root in God.

God ordained marriage for a reason

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First, we need to understand that when God designed marriage, he had a plan in mind. He planned to mirror His intention of becoming one with man.

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, but I am speaking about Christ and the church. Nevertheless, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband

Ephesians 5: 31-33

Our marriage on Earth is a symbol of our ultimate marriage to God as his spotless bride. As we are called to follow Jesus, we leave everything we've ever known and cleave to Him. Ever notice how the word 'know' is used when a man has sex with his wife? To God, it's not just sex as the world has perverted it to be, it's a union of two beings becoming one in spirit, soul, and body.

Now Adam KNEW Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain.

Genesis 4:1

Because the purpose of Man is to know God

That I may KNOW Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,

Philippians 3:10

God's choice is based on ONE GOAL

While I'm an advocate for being attracted to your spouse (attraction is subjective) and connecting with them on a deeper level, we must understand that God is looking beyond that. God's goal is that both parties will help each other transform into the image of Christ.

Love the One you've been given

The soulmates philosophy makes one believe there's that special ONE that can make you happy. But in reality, we know that's not true. Only God can complete us. He's the one who makes us truly happy and this happens when we choose His ways above ours.

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The culmination of our joy is found in God

You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Psalm 16:11

Our significant other is also human like us with flaws and it would be unfair to dump all our baggage on one human being if we haven’t made God our ultimate joy.

There will be days when you two will doubt your compatibility. Trials and temptations will threaten your relationship and you will feel like quitting.

This is where Love becomes a decision. This is where Love is tested. Because True Love is like wine. The older it gets, the sweeter it feels.

This is how ‘soul-mates’ are built. With consistency, endurance, and time.

Your significant other becomes your soul mate because you’ve chosen to grow old together and are beginning to mirror each other after a while. Your complexities are now conjoined into one.

Two is no longer two, but ONE.

But many people take emotional feelings as Love and issue a divorce when they don't feel the same way they felt when they first got married.

Is there ONE special person out there for you?


God is a matchmaker and His goal is for men and women to come into the fullness of His Son.

If there was just one person out there for you, then it means you’d be doomed if something bad happened to them.

Also in God's plan, man's choice/will is involved. God may reveal someone to you, but you still have a choice to choose them. They also have a choice to choose you if they will. Whatever happens, God isn't limited in his resources if they choose someone else. God will always provide an alternative. Just like how he provided Jesus when Adam messed up.

He never runs out of options.

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Jeremiah 17:9

Also, just because you connected with them on a deep level doesn't mean you'll be connecting like that in years to come.

I once had a friend that felt like my 'soulmate'. We completed each other's sentences and our thoughts were so alike it felt surreal at a point. I felt as if I had found a best friend. We confided in each other about everything!

Fast forward to 3-4 years later, we've gone our different ways and we barely say a word to each other. We just stopped connecting.

Do you see why we cannot base love on ephemeral reasons alone? It needs to be based on Christ and the release we get in our spirit regarding the person. I've had other relationships that were at the brink of death but because of Christ, it was revived and still going strong.

The goal is to please God. He knows what we need and when we need it. And he will provide your ‘soul-mate’ when the time is right.

Bloom with Love. Xx!


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