How to please God with your creativity

As a Christian creative, do you know how to please God with your creativity? It can be perplexing especially if you're multi-talented like me itching to express myself through different ways.

Ever since I discovered my purpose, I've been learning how to please God with my creativity. This is because when the purpose of a thing is not known, it can be abused. Hence the need to know how we can please God with these expressions in us.

God is so good he blessed every human with an ability to imagine and build things in our minds without restriction.

And through this ability, we find outlets to express our minds in different colours.

To please God, we must align our creativity with His will. And this can only be done when we understand His heart from the beginning and how we fit in the big picture of creation.

Man's creativity grew apart from God

Although Man was initially created in God’s image and likeness, after the Fall, Man's definition of life took a definition outside God's will and plan.

Something happened to our source after the Fall.

When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own LIKENESS, in his own IMAGE; and he named him Seth.

genesis 5:3

Man became his own ‘god’ the moment self came into view.

Man was still creative, but the SOURCE of his creativity had been tampered with darkness/sin.

With a dead spirit and a degenerating soul, the connection was broken. The toxin of Sin spread into the soul and polluted everything man could think of.

We see such evidences in Cain’s lineage and men who despised God's will. Cain departed from God’s presence and married a wife.

He also built a city and his lineage were mighty men on Earth. Genesis 4: 16-23.

Cain's lineage were Powerful Creatives. They were also good with tent-making, music (harp and flute), metal (bronze and iron).

Cain was even the first to introduce polygamy!

God had to step in or man would keep producing things outside God’s will. The seed of sin kept multiplying itself in the heart of man, just like it did with Cain. And God knows what would have happen to us all if he didn't step in.

Christ over Creativity: Seeking God should triumph

When we compare Cain’s lineage to Seth’s lineage, there’s a big difference.

While Cain and his crew were busy getting creative and birthing children despite their spiritual death, men from Seth's lineage kept seeking God.

God recognized only Seth's lineage as living souls. Because they were seeking Him above creativity or anything else.

They kept living by faith, interested ONLY in what God had to say, not caring if any creativity was going to come out of it.

Then men began to CALL on the name of the Lord.

Genesis 4:26

Isn’t it amazing that wonderful men like Noah, Abraham, King David and Jesus came from such a lineage? A lineage that wasn’t bent on getting creative but on seeking out the author of creativity for His face?

And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him

genesis 5:24

To God, they were living. As long as they kept seeking, they were fulfilling purpose and their reason for existing.

God is invested and interested in the souls that seek Him out.

This is what the LORD says to Israel: "Seek me and LIVE;

amos 5:4

Because seeking him is Life itself. Dead souls don’t seek God; just like Cain’s lineage.

But seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


Seeking God births True and pure creativity.

You don’t go looking for creativity the way the world goes searching for their muse. God brings it to you.


So when the idea comes, as lovers of God, we must be willing to wait and filter it through the HolySpirit.

Soul or Spirit? God or Me? God or my flesh?

Tower of Babel versus Noah's Ark

The difference between Noah’s ark and the Tower of Babel was the SOURCE.

Though both pointed to God and were creative, only ONE could save man from death. Only One was acknowledged by God as being valid and essential.

Because God was the one who produced the Ark idea, He was the one who saw it to the End. He was quite detailed with the instructions too.

Whatever God births from within you must be powerful enough to save you from death. It must be able to build you within even as you use it for others too.

Because it is pulled out from the depths of God’s own heart, it must be strong enough to point to Christ and form Christ within.

God is intentional with his ideas, goals and dreams. And God’s will no matter how small it looks can do wonders.

The tower of Babel had a false impression of pointing to God but the source was faulty.

Those men were seeking earthly glory, a name for themselves.

Besides, you don’t get to God that way. God hates shortcuts. We get in because God opens the door. Only a thief barges in that way.

God created all men, but not all are eager to know His will.

Our role as Believers

As Christians who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, we still have our wills and ways. The HolySpirit dwells inside us, but He didn't possess us. We have the liberty to still choose His will.

We have a choice to seek God or chase our own dreams and goals.

This is because after getting born again, our hearts didn't change immediately. It's a process.

Only our spirits became New. Our spirits got quickened from the dead but our desires, talents, dreams and goals are still intact. Deep within our souls.

So we must be ready to submit it and wait on God so he can lead us aright. He will let us know which should be discarded and which should be used.

And as we keep seeking Him and obeying Him, he keeps purifying our source. He keeps purifying our souls.

This is based on the fact that we now have a Master who guides us and desires to fashion our will to His.

Herein lies our salvation and soul prosperity. God is our life and so our definition of creativity must be redefined through His light and align with His will.

For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.

Psalm 36:9

Our purpose is different. We aren't to fight or strive as one who beats the air. Neither are we here to compete with the world.

As Christians, we have one purpose. To seek His face. To become like Christ within. Everything else will surely fall into place, plus our creativity.

Bloom with Love. Xx!


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